Preston Family Dental

General Dentistry in Cambridge

General Dentistry Near You

At Preston Family Dental, we know that lifelong health is a top priority for the families we serve. We offer patients preventative, proactive oral care that aims to keep their teeth and mouth healthy for decades to come.

When we see you regularly for Dental Checkups & Cleanings, we can stay ahead of potential concerns and intervene early. Our goal is to keep you out of our chairs and in the community, showing off a bright smile wherever you go!

Oral Cancer Screening

Although oral cancer sometimes presents with clear symptoms, there are methods we can use to examine the tissue of your mouth for early signs. Early treatment outcomes for oral cancer are quite positive, so we screen all patients to be on the safe side, paying particular attention to risk factors. If you experience symptoms such as bleeding in the mouth, lumps or growths, white or red patches, or pain when swallowing, be sure to book an oral examination to have a full oral cancer screening.

Dental Sealants

Although many cavities can be prevented with consistent and thorough dental care, there are many places on the teeth where bacteria and other particles can build up and be missed by a toothbrush. These locations are at higher risk for developing cavities in the future. As a preventative measure, our dentists and dental hygienists can apply a simple dental sealant to the teeth. We usually provide this for children and teens, but dental sealant can be applied at any age. The material is painted on, hardened with a special light, and dries clear, offering invisible protection for years to come.

Dental X-Rays (Analog Only)

Our clinic is fully equipped with x-ray technology that allows us to image your mouth in full and vivid detail. The structure of every patient’s mouth is unique, as are the conditions and issues that affect the mouth. X-rays allow us to examine close-up images of areas of the mouth that can’t be inspected visually, even using a dental mirror. Depending on your age, how many times you have visited us, previous dental issues, and our concerns at your check-up, we may take a variety of x-rays to compare with previous images and keep on file for future visits.

Oral Exams & New Patient Exams

Each dental check-up is an opportunity for us to make a difference in your oral and overall health. Our experienced dentists ensure that we schedule enough time to thoroughly examine your teeth and mouth, explaining what we are seeing and the preventative or restorative measures that we can provide or you can accomplish at home.

Dental Hygiene Appointments

Great dental hygiene is the best preventative measure we can take to ensure your long-term oral health. Built-up substances such as tartar and plaque cause a variety of dental and oral illnesses and conditions, from cavities to gum disease. Each cleaning is an opportunity to prevent increasingly serious diseases from developing and requiring treatment. The talented team of dental hygienists at Preston Family Dental provides a great dental cleaning experience for adults and kids alike.

Root Canal

Our dentists’ top priority is preserving your natural teeth. Even when significant decay leads to infections inside a tooth, we can continue to preserve the tooth with a root canal procedure. This allows us to preserve your bite so you can maintain full functionality of the tooth. It also prevents additional dental considerations, such as misalignments of the surrounding teeth or dental restorations to fill the remaining gap.

Teeth Extractions

Our dentists take a conservative approach, always looking for ways to protect and preserve your natural teeth. However, there are some circumstances that require a tooth to be removed from the mouth for your greater oral health. In these cases, our dentists carefully plan an approach to the extraction by examining dental x-rays. We provide comfortable tooth removals directly in our Cambridge dental clinic using a local anesthetic to prevent pain. We can also provide sedation for patients who experience fear or anxiety before or during serious dental procedures.


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